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8 Is Great

Dear Addie,

This week you turned 8. Gulp. You’re such a big kid now. 8 years old - where does the time go? I know that might sound cliché, but seriously it sneaks up on me every year, and not just because it’s the day after Christmas!

I know what you're thinking - it’s a birthday, it literally happens every year! Get with the program mama!

But here’s the deal my sweets, in this journey, I for one, can easily get caught up in the predictably unpredictable rigidity (that's a mouthful right?!) of the day to day, and before I know it the years creep faster and faster! Weren't you 4 just yesterday?!

It's crazy how every time I think of your birthday, I’m somehow stuck in the memories of your actual lightning fast delivery the day you were born. And then the 5 year old version of you who was just learning to successfully blow out your candles. Everything else just seems like a blur. Gosh that sounds horrible to say out loud, but it's true.

You see Ad, birthdays are a whole lot of sensory craziness. Balloons, extra people, singing, overall increase in noise level - it’s an intense experience. A far cry from the norm, unless you’re a clown. Kiddos like yourself tend to shy away from such a scene for fear of potential distress.

Now you’d be hard pressed to find a mama that doesn't recall just about every painstaking detail of the birth of their children, and each birthday milestone. But for us 5, yes 5 was extra special because it held a new first. This was the first time you figured out how to blow out your birthday candles.

You’d hardly know it now, for these days if you’re in attendance at a party, and the guest of honor isn’t fast enough getting those candles out, you will without question swoop in and take care of it for them! Your kind of a wish thief ;).

But what most people don’t know is it took a long time, and a lot of therapy just to be able to accomplish such a task (although you seemed to master the art of snorted out candles quite well. Maybe save that talent in your back pocket as a future party trick ;)).

Back to the present day - you're 8. Clearly I've not been successful at stopping time, so there you stand only moments away from being taller than I. Side note: You don’t get your height from me!

Last week I received a school transportation card for the 2019/2020 school year - It had your listed grade printed in bold right at the top - 3rd grade. Insert mommy now feeling old and getting far too misty eyed for looking at a bus schedule, it's really official your not a baby anymore!

With this big kid version of you, we decided maybe it was time for another first, or at least time for a good solid attempt at one for that matter. With years of sensory issues and the lack of communication not necessarily making you the most popular kid at the table, we decided to give it a go on hosting a birthday party outside of our home. This obviously could only go two ways, so with the 50/50 shot we were all in!

With our Florida cousins in town, sister, brother and your good friend Lil all ready to party, the invite list was set! Now on to location!

Having just experienced how well you handled big sister Clara’s birthday party at the DIY Knack Craft Studio in Raleigh, we thought this might be a great place to host 8 being so great!

As luck would have it, the owner was more than graciously willing to make some modifications to the same party we had for Clara creating a little more fine motor and sensory friendly party. Yay for us!

Seriously Addie they really went above and beyond for us!

We arrived and couldn't help but notice all the love and dedication that the studio put into this event. The whole place all to ourselves, music low, all projects set up at the lower tables for easier access, no-handle “easy to use” sponges, and plenty of happy, eager volunteers to help!

Let’s do this!

After taking some time to stand up all your new found ”like-object” sponges, you gave it a solid attempt at stenciling your birthday party pillow cover.

Honestly Ad, you did great, only taking about 9 breaks for ”a chaklets (m&m’s)” and 2 Gatorade drinks. Well done!

Next up was a homemade chocolate cake that brother Gabe decorated with his new piping tools he got for Christmas.

To add even more sweetness to this cake your friend Lil asked if she could put your candles on. Then requested we pretend the pink candles were red so it could be NC state colors ;) - she loves NC State! To top it off she added one blue for good luck and we were ready to sing!

Candles lit, good friend Lil close by “in case you were scared” - in her words, and a very quiet version of happy birthday was sung. Cue mommy & daddy tearing up, and with a couple of tries at blowing out candles - 8 year wishes were made! Yay!

So this week we celebrated a big girl version of you sweet girl. We were so proud of how well you did at your first “out and about” birthday party! Not to mention how very grateful we were to The Knack for helping us make such an event possible. Great job!

Here’s to 8 Addie! I just know it’s gonna be a good year!

We love you!

Love, Mom

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