Dear Addie,
Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated Groundhog Day, when the famous Punxsutawney Phil, a world-renowned groundhog, saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter. If you're thinking, "Seriously, Mom? It seems a bit silly to base a weather forecast on a ground-burrowing rodent," you might be right. Given that his success rate over the last twenty years is only 35% accuracy, you might even say it's all hogwash. See what I did there? But with the weather we had this week, that furry weatherman seems to have been on to something.
Allow me to explain.
In the great state of North Carolina, we don't experience a lot of snowy weather, and having grown up in Michigan - I've had my fair share so I’m perfectly fine with that. Even as a Christmas-loving person who enjoys everything about the holiday season, I would still choose palm trees adorned with lights on a beach any day. I love watching outdoor winter sports, but experiencing them is a completely different story. My hat is off to anyone who enjoys them! I could only manage the "pizza, french fries, pizza, french fries" technique (if you know, you know) for a short time before realizing that skiing wasn't for me. But I digress.
Recently, we were forecasted to receive a few inches of snow along with what meteorologists like to call a wintry mix, leading to some very treacherous road conditions despite the preparations that had been made. I’ve lived in several places where snow is rare, and when it falls, the entire state tends to shut down—for good reason! First, some people may have never had to drive in such conditions, and second, those states may not be as well-equipped as northern states to handle snow and ice.
In this week's scenario, we received a decent amount of snow along with a significant layer of ice, and regardless of where you’re from, nobody can accurately predict how driving on ice will go. So, we decided to adhere the warnings and hunker down staying safe.
School was canceled for a few days, for obvious reasons. However, after experiencing a global pandemic, we adopted "remote learning" as a way of life when necessary. This week, we seamlessly transitioned back to seeing our classmates and teachers online. I will always take our wins in life, and you definitely excelled at remote learning before! Your teachers and therapist were rock stars, and we encountered zero issues, because of that you knew exactly what to do when you saw your workstation set up at the dining room table. Your school was well prepared and had sent home all your daily work the day before, so aside from the change of venue, there was significant consistency in your day-to-day materials. If there's one thing we know about you, it's that consistency is key.
Addie, this week we took part in remote learning due to a groundhog soaking up his 35% chance of being right about the weather, and once again, you rocked it! You amaze me every day, baby girl. Keep being awesome!