Dear Addie,
This week I was scrolling through Instagram and came across this beautiful landscape picture painted by the world-famous painter Claude Monet. His calming imagery paired with soothing colors made me feel as if I knew exactly what Monet was feeling himself as he painted his masterpieces. I scrolled a little bit further through the feed and up popped a picture from Pablo Picasso, which in comparison was wildly contrasting to the calming landscape scene from Monet. Picasso who is known for his bold color palette and abstract design often leaves you in wonder of what he was thinking when his masterpieces were taking shape. Both were starkly different, but both were also masterpieces and the contrast between the two of course got me thinking.
I don't remember a week in your life where I or someone else wasn't trying to figure out why you did something a certain way. Sometimes it was a good thing, sometimes a bad thing, and sometimes as the parent, it's an exhausting thing, but most often it was just a different way of getting the result you needed or trying to get your point across. If it's not mannerisms or actions it's your cryptic language that usually needs a fair share of decoding to understand, but again once you get it you can oftentimes understand why you use the words you do - it's just a different way of thinking. You, my dear, are a Picasso in a world full of Monets.
Addie at the end of the day we are all works of art in the making. Some are calming and straightforward in the picture like Monet, others leave us to wonder like Picasso - ALL are living masterpieces.
The world is your canvas baby girl. Keep using your colors!
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun."
- Pablo Picasso