Dear Addie,
This week it's all about you and your friends in the Outer Banks as Surfing For Autism 2024 begins! Let's do this!
Now before the big surfing event gets underway there is a series of fun sensory-friendly activities planned for all the participants & families, and last night we kicked it all off at one of our tried and true favorites - the NC Aquarium.

No stranger to this aquarium as we have been visiting here since big sister Clara was barely walking and she is now headed off to college this fall. Is someone cutting onions, my eyes seem to be watering. Oye where was I, oh yes, this night is always a welcomed event for families like ours. Closed to the general public makes for a way less crowed experience with no apologies for noises, unusual mannerisms, or spatial awareness issues. We are all in the same boat just enjoying the happy sounds of our children without inquisitive or the dreaded disapproving stares.
You wasted zero time making your way to the last exhibit where all the giant megalodons reside. Now full transparency by my exaggerated pervious statement it's not exactly my favorite part of the aqaurium, but there's some peace knowing that the four or so sharks lurking in the water there aren't sizing me and my family up as an appetizer in the ocean, but I digress.
The room is dark, cool and has an interactive ocean projecting on the floor - which happens to be your favorite spot. You happily galloped straight there, slipped off your shoes, because you know, you don't where shoes in the water lol, found your spot in the projection and sat to watch all the animated sea creatures swim all around you.
Addie you could sit there for HOURS if allowed! You stimmed, sang some inaudiable tunes and asked a few whales and dolphins if they knew "Who let the dogs out?" because clearly you still really need to know.
It was a perfect start to this SFA 2024 weekend! Can't wait for all that's still to come!
Enjoy sweet girl!
I'm glad she's in her happy place.