Dear Addie,
You'll find your people.
This journey has been a ride for sure. I only really understood the depth of a mother's intuition or gut instincts once we started down this path. Advocating to the degree needed in our life was never something I thought I'd be doing, but as parents, we can all agree that parenting is predictably unpredictable, right?! Neurotypical or not. We often hear that it takes a village to raise kids, and it really does, but just because people show up doesn't mean they should stay. It is a harsh reality for anyone in the special needs community because we want to believe the good intentions in anyone who chooses to spend time here in Holland over drinking wine in Italy.
In our 13 years, we've encountered a whirlwind of doctors, therapists, and teachers—some will always have a place with us, and they know who they are, but not all of them are your people.
We've been on the receiving end of people who choose to befriend us because somehow it makes them look good - they are not your people.
Those who have referred to you as complicated and difficult, this can only be seen as their loss as they chose only to see the challenge, not your potential - they are not your people.
Addie, I think we are meant to encounter such people in life so you know the feeling of when the right people come along. The people that lead with love, don't give up, and believe in you always. Those, those are your people.
This week, when I picked you up from school, I was reminded of how nice it feels when right people come along.

It indeed does take a village.
Love you.