Dear Addie,
This week we celebrated Easter! Cue the chocolate, the colorful eggs, and the giant bunny with an insanely happy motionless grin. He's waiting patiently for you to get enough courage to sit with him for a picture - ha ha!
While there'a no correlation between any of these things and the true meaning of Easter - the resurrection of Jesus, these fun traditions do make for some fun and quality family time.
In light of family fun traditions, we started our weekend with an Easter Egg hunt at our neighborhood clubhouse. Let me tell you Addie, they did an amazing job! This year the egg hunt was divided into age groups giving every child a fair chance at filling their baskets with plenty of goodies! They even had a "special" egg hunt in the back of the clubhouse away from all the commotion and sensory overload - just for you and any other special needs children like you to part take in. It was perfect!
Next up, that bunny with motionless grin. We were third in line and you actually grabbed onto Miss Tammy's arm as if to say, you know I'm not doing this right?!? You held true to your promise and feverishly stimmed while slowly backing away when it was your turn. Good news, you didn't cry! I'll take it! Progress! No worries Addie, you weren't the only one who chose to keep your distance - that bunny's grin is a little creepy.
After all that "eggstra" morning fun, we packed our OTOD into the car and began our road trip down to FL to see Uncle Matthew, Auntie Jen and our cousins for Easter Sunday.
We arrived safely in Florida and even after 10 hours in the car everyone was still happy and smiling! Side note: you are all amazing road trippers which is a great blessing for mommy and daddy :)
With all the excitement of seeing our family we stayed up far beyond our bedtime, which left the Easter Bunny to make some quick work of his visit while you slept!
He didn't disappoint!
The morning was filled with baskets overflowing with sweet treats! There was a conversation or two about how the absurd amount of treats is not to be seen as a challenge on consuming them before the day is through, an outdoor egg hunt surrounded by beautiful Florida palm trees, laughter, love of family and remembrance of the true meaning of the this day in our faith.
As the day came to an end and everyone was tucked in for the night, we are reminded of this beautiful time making memories spent with those who love us.
Sleep tight sweet girl, more adventures await!