Dear Addie,
This week marks the beginning of a new chapter in your journey as you enter 8th grade! Cue the emotional moments for mom... and my pondering about the seemingly magical abilities that moms possess, from soothing boo-boos to locating almost anything. I can't help but wonder, at what point does the power to freeze time come into play? Does it happen before, during, or after menopause? Is anyone else feeling warm in here? But I digress.
Having had all this extra summer fun time with Mommy, I wasn't quite sure how this transition was going to go. Anyone raising someone with autism would probably agree that a change in routine is always a gamble, but you slipped right back into school mode like you never left. While I was thrilled there was no fuss, it definitely gave me "Mommy is chopped liver, take me back to school, please vibes." LOL, and it was my birthday of all days! But perhaps the no fuss was more of a present, yeah, I'll remember it that way Ad ;) You've galloped your way in and been all smiles at pick-up every day this week. Bravo Addie.
Now in addition to your cheerful daily routine of going to and from school, you had an exciting field trip to HUB Farms in Durham. I was invited to chaperone, which presented a bit of a dilemma for me since you have such great association with seeing people out of context. Mommy isn't suppose to be at school with teachers and friends in your mind. Despite this, and encouraged by your positive start to the school year, I decided to join. After dropping you off at school as usual, I made my way to the farm a few hours later to met you. As I approached, I felt a sense of anticipation building up in my mind. Drum roll please! When you spotted me, your face lit up with a smile and you started jumping with joy. It was another delightful moment in a week that seemed to be filled with pleasant surprises - and I gladly embraced it!

We fed chickens mealworms, went on a mushroom hunt, cut flowers, picked vegetables (or squeezed tomatoes in your case - talk about sensory fun) and learned all about seeds in our favorite foods. It was a very educational, muddy, and super fun experience.
Video Description: Addie reads the sign "Mushroom Gorge"
Addie, this week we started another chapter of school and hit the ground running with a fun field trip to boot! You had a great week baby girl! Let's keep this momentum going!
Forever proud of you!