Dear Addie,
It’s true what they say - don’t blink when raising kids, it can feel every bit like running on a treadmill, that feeling of exhaustion but going nowhere, but somewhere along the way you see the finish line in front of you and suddenly realize it was a marathon run, pounding the pavement the whole time.
I blinked.
Elementary school was a long, emotional, yet amazing journey. One minute you were a little timid Kindergartener walking in on your first day and the next a supermodel tall 5th grader walking out having graduated. It seems like a lifetime of living happened in that time, yet 6 years just flew by.

I blinked.

This week we are starting our transition into our next chapter - middle school and even though it was at the forefront of my mind this whole last year, I still can’t believe we are here. New school, new teachers, new friends, same amazing you. You got this Addie. Deep breaths. I love you. Mom