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Writer's pictureLeanne Menzo

I Didn't See This

Dear Addie,

And there we were wind in our faces, breathing in the salty sea air all around, rocking back & forth in the open sea with not only our family but perfect strangers as well, I didn’t see this for us.

It was hard to imagine as we were taking in the beauty of the view and experience of it all, that just four years ago I begged dad just to drive us home as you had just unleashed an epic and one of your longest meltdowns to date. Our happy place didn’t seem so happy yet. I didn’t see this for us.

Dad and I both held tight to some part of you – a leg, an arm, your shirt whatever we could grab as we set out on the sound. You stimmed & flapped at the excitement of it all, there was no hiding your happiness – you loved it! And somehow for me at this moment I wasn’t worried. A typical reaction for me doing new things. I wasn’t worried you were going to jump off, I wasn’t concerned about what other people thought, it was all just happening, fluid and effortlessly, an experience as a family that I didn’t see for us.

A truth not many on this journey would admit, I could write a book on a lot I didn’t see for us, but there we were sailing into the sunset. It was really happening and we were all enjoying it.

Addie, I think there was a combination of things over the past few years that got us to this sunset sailing adventure. Does it mean we are without meltdowns or challenges now – no, but you are making tremendous progress and it’s worth noting how great you are doing so high five baby girl! A consistent part of this journey for us has always been to expect the unexpected and I certainly didn’t see this for us, but there we were sailing into the sunset, enjoying every minute.

Great job Addie.



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1 comentario

06 ago 2022

It’s so important to celebrate every victory, expected or not! So happy for you and I love Addie’s smiles and stims!

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