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Just Like Mama

Writer's picture: Leanne MenzoLeanne Menzo

Dear Addie,

It's common for parents to say, "Oh, he/she gets that from me," when talking about specific traits their child inherits. For example, you have a dimple on your cheek that daddy also has. Big sister doesn't have it, big brother neither - just you and daddy. In fact, it even inspired your ASL name, but I digress. This weekend I had this moment.

It was Saturday morning, and you were in your room, happily chatting away in your usual morning gibberish while gently bouncing on your bed. Side note: you wake up like this nine times out of ten; you’re just so excited to start your day. I came in to greet you as I normally do, saying, "Good morning, Addie!" To my surprise, you replied, "Good morning – a tacos." Taken off guard, I asked, "Tacos?" You then repeated, "A tacos." I inquired if you wanted tacos for breakfast, and you enthusiastically replied, "Yes!" In that moment, I realized that we share the same love for tacos, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You are truly my child. Lol!

Let’s make tacos!

Since every moment is a teachable opportunity, I decided that you were going to make tacos today. You are incredibly observant and usually gather all the ingredients for the meals you want to prepare, down to the flour and butter for the roux in your mac and cheese. You also get the appropriate pots and pans ready - which is actually very convenient if I'm being honest. I usually avoid cooking at the stove with you, especially when it involves a gas because of your inability to feel hot and cold like most, but for some reason, I felt today would be the day for you to take on this task! It was just meat and spices, after all. You really only need the protein part, right? or at least that seems to be your theory. No shell please!

The most important rule for any parent teaching their kids anything is to let go of perfection. It’s likely to get messy, especially in the kitchen, but never fear; our trusty beagle is here!

All cleaned up, we had the pan, spices, and meat all ready to go. You quickly realized that breaking up the meat for browning was quite a task, but I was SO proud when you found the right words to say, “I need help, please!” Clear as day at that! (Thank you years of therapy) With a little assistance from me, we cooked the meat, and it was time to add the spices. You poured in the spices but may have misjudged the consistency, putting a little too much effort into stirring and inevitably flung meat across the kitchen floor. There was no worries though, you were learning, and the beagle was standing by, just waiting for this very moment, ready to help!

We scooped it out onto a plate, and you happily enjoyed spicy taco meat at 8 AM, made by you with a little assistance from Mommy and, of course, our trusty beagle.

Addie, this weekend I discovered that while I may not have given you the adorable dimple that makes your smile extra cute, your love for tacos is just as strong as your mama's. ;)

Great job, baby girl!

Love you bunches!



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