Dear Addie,
It's funny how a journey that is so wildly unplanned for those navigating it seems to have moments, people or places that feel as though they’ve been personally plucked from the atmosphere and strategically placed exactly where you need them. It’s the truth! It feels kind of like finishing a 1000 piece puzzle you spent days, weeks or even months on, only to realize 4 pieces have gone missing. You'll spend days looking them, and maybe even finally just accept the fact that maybe Finn ate them (totally realistic possibility for your naughty beagle Addie.) You’ll move on and forget about those pieces, but worked so hard on the puzzle that you still have it put together just sitting unfinished. That is until you unexpectedly find one of those lost pieces in your hamper for whatever reason. While you know there are still 3 missing, there's so much excitement and joy that you found this one piece and the thought that maybe the others will show up too!
I'm convinced that your summer camp is one of those plucked pieces strategically placed in our journey's puzzle.
Although me to explain.
It was a few years ago that I made what probably sounded like a completely desperate phone call to 3 Bluebirds Farm. You see Ad, school had just let out and I had just realized that in the chaos of our day to day the structure you knew and loved was about to end. Always one for honesty, I wasn’t sure what this change was going to do for you or what wrath that was going to bring on us?!
I had called other autism camps in the area (shocker: it’s slim pickins, there’s not really a plethora to choose from), and all said that I needed to have reserved our spot back in January. Yes Ad, it was almost summer now, clearly not well within the reservation time frame any longer. I was feeling every bit that I had failed you in providing a structured summer that you'd thrive in. One morning as I was spilling my camp woes to your swim teacher (another fellow autism mama) she mentioned a little camp LITERALLY LIKE 6 MINUTES FROM WHERE WE LIVE! Not even sure how I didn’t know about this, but then again I also didn’t know about the whole January rule thing. While this news was exciting, I felt like there was no way we’d get in now, but hey I guess I could at least call.
Seriously Erin, the director, called me back in like 4 minutes. The desperation must have been truly evident in my message or I just probably got lucky catching her at her desk. Being luck or not she offered me a date and time to come in to meet her, tour the facility AND as luck would have it, if we thought this would be a good fit she had an available spot for you in a summer camp session. It’s safe to say I jumped, (or hurled myself) at the opportunity!
I remember meeting her and instantly feeling like this moment, this place, Erin herself, was one of those strategically plucked pieces. We were somehow meant to be utterly confused and disappointed about summer camp for you so we’d find ourselves right here, as part of this 3 Bluebird Farm family. It was perfect.
Some might think this sounds a little dramatic for a summer camp, but autism and summer can be daunting, frustrating and hard on everyone in the family. Your mood good or bad can set the tone for everyone’s day whether we like it or not. One team, one dream.
Summer camp for you offers routine and structure. Not really an unheard of concept, most parents often start their kids on a routine straight out of the womb. Sleep schedules, feeding schedules, bedtime routines (bath, book, bottle, bed or whatever parents choose to do). It makes life less stressful. With this predictability we can somewhat effectively reduce the amount of anxiety you may have which is always a huge plus! I mean I’ve not met a single person who was like “oh hey - that’s going to create a catastrophic amount of anxiety for me...sign me up, can’t wait!” yup, no one says that Ad. Now don’t get me wrong, even though you thrive off of structure, that doesn’t mean you don’t want or need your free time as well. Decompression is a very important part of your journey, but too much free time can be maddening and eventually lead to a series of meltdowns. It’s a delicate balance, a very delicate balance. Structure and free time, is like a chocolate souffle - delicious when it works, a hot mess if it’s not done just right.
I’m happy to report this year's summer camp experience was more like a delicious souffle. Were you perfect? Nope. Not everyday, but that’s OK. They work through it with you love. There’s always an adjustment period, but that comes with any new routine, there were good days and bad days, new experiences mixed in with the familiarity of old ones. All this while having a trained, patient and loving staff. They even discovered how to get you to stay and participate in morning huddle - which even at school the struggle is real! Who knew a weighted blanket and a balloon (yes, a balloon) held all the magic here? Bravo Camp Bluebird! Seriously, each and every one of these people passionately wants to be here, part of all our journeys and that is no easy job. This means the world to families like ours, but more importantly you. They are there for you baby girl. How special is that?
But here’s the thing Addie, some of the perfection to this piece was because it came with a bigger picture, which in return gave our life’s puzzle we look at, with the missing pieces, a bit of a clearer image. While we continue to find the familiarity of Camp Bluebird welcoming year after year, here there’s more to what they strive to provide our loving autism community - hope for the adult you will grow to be.
The future of this little 3 Bluebird Farm is for a planned residential farm community for autistic adults. It will be a working farm that offers community, employment and social opportunities by providing housing, vocational services, day programs and friendship for adults and children with autism. Sounds pretty perfect, right?
I’m not gonna lie Addie, I’m scared. It’s true. It can keep me awake at night just thinking of what will happen to you or who’s going to take care of you when mommy and daddy are no longer here. Not something I want to think about, but on this journey we have to. While I pray that is many, many, many years from now, programs like this offers us more nights of sleep knowing they exist and that you may have the chance to benefit from the product of this amazing camp that you know and love, which I am sure was strategically plucked and placed on our journey.
That’s a wrap on another great summer camp at Camp Bluebird!
Great job Addie!