August 26, 2016
Dear Addie
Oh happy day! Your Nana has come to town for a visit! For anyone who doesn't know, your nana (AKA my mom, Joan) is a quiet, calm, yet energetic, red haired bundle of joy! ...and she has traveled all the way from the mitten state, just to play with her grand babies...oh and maybe to see daddy and mommy too!
Side note: Nana once drove 12 hours (with Papa) from Michigan to NC the day you were born, fresh off of having major back surgery (she should've stayed home to recover) but she just couldn't wait meet you!
You were perfect to her then, and still to this day you are just as perfect!
She has an amazing relationship with not only you, but sister and brother as well! If you're looking to swing - she's ready to catch clouds with you! Need a snack - it's probably already made! Wanting to craft - game on! Need a laugh - You have a special game of chase around the kitchen island that I swear brings out the absolute best belly laughs I've ever heard!
When it's time to wind down and relax - snuggle up to nana her hands give off this amazingly calm, warm energy and having been a Therapeutic Myomassologist and Reflexologist you may be on the lucky end of a deeply relaxing foot rub which we all know you love! ...I can't tell a lie, I love it too!
She's there for us all, no questions asked. We may not always have the same opinion on parenting, but she's always encouraging me that "We" (daddy and mommy) are making the right choices for our family.
She's here to embrace milestones, take witness to all this life has for us, and to just enjoy the laughter...seriously the laughter is amazing!
I too look forward to the day when I can chase your children around the kitchen island listening for the belly laughs! One day Addie, one day. Until then... One of the best parts of her being my mom is she gets to be your nana.
Enjoy your visit!