Dear Addie,
...and there you were, sitting on the couch, staring at me from across the room, settling into yet another episode of "Name That Song" Addie edition. Unprepared for this game at the time and having had only one cup of coffee (I'm "trying" to cut back) Honestly, I wasn't performing at my best this time around, and only now that I understand what it was you were singing, my dear, you were absolutely spot on - so well done Ad!
After about five rounds of failing miserably to decipher this tune, even though it was oddly familiar, I decided to use my "phone a friend" option if you will, recording it and sending it to our beloved Ms. Jenn, the lead BCBA at your school.
Without skipping a beat she sent me back the title of what you were singing and sure enough she was right. I played the song on my phone and you quickly removed your headphones and started rocking back and forth in complete delight.
It was Riptide! Of course, it was another completely random song right?! But this one you did really well, and I should've known.
One point for Ms. Jenn, zero points for mommy.
This week we played another round of "Name That Tune" Addie edition and you managed to stump me again. I'm starting to think I'm not very good at this game LOL.
Thanks for always keeping me on my toes baby girl.