Dear Addie,
It’s been seven years today, my dear, since I started documenting our story and sharing my thoughts. I hope one day you will look back on all we have chronicled and see the many obstacles you have overcome, the lessons you’ve taught so many, and the abundance of blessings we have had. It’s been quite the journey thus far, and there is still so much more to go!
When I look back on all this, I can’t help but be so proud of you and yet surprised by people. I know it’s a weird statement to be “surprised,” but it’s the truth. Having walked this journey, I’ve seen humanity at its worst and finest. I’m sure that sentiment is shared by many wearing shoes like ours. We have met some of the most amazing people, but we’ve had some decide our life was perhaps more than they could handle and moved on. That is a true testament to one of the greatest life lessons – you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s ok! You be you!
We’ve done a lot of living in this short time, and sometimes I still struggle with the feeling of whiplash; most days bring on our emotions which brings me to this week.
As we are headed into summer, sadly, my thoughts are far from living in the moment as decisions still need to be made on the fall and schooling for you. It seems to be something that has controlled my day-to-day for the last few years leading up to middle school, if I’m being honest. After a year of trying something new, we discovered a smaller, more structured setting that seems more suitable for you to thrive in. I am finding out that environment is few and far between, and most programs are still not designed for more severely affected individuals like yourself. Unfortunately a harsh reality for us, I guess. Having had another defeating phone call earlier in the morning, I felt depressed and sad - until some beautiful people entered our day.
Set the scene...
We had traveled to our happy beach place to do some quick maintenance (quick like we were there less than 24hrs) and were heading home after that morning call. We stopped at a familiar McDonald’s, the one we often call the Piggly Wiggly McDonald’s, as they basically share a parking lot, to use the restroom. Now my regular play would be to buckle ourselves back in and skirt through the drive-thru, but I decided to order inside for whatever reason (and it not being busy).
We proceeded to order, and while doing so, you took a fascination to an adorable tiny baby that several people had been gathered around. While waiting for our food, you were focused on nothing but that baby with a big smile. The more I watched the scene unfold, it seemed to be an acquaintance of some sort to employees who worked there, as others were coming out to see this baby full of cuteness. I tried to stand back a bit with you, as predictably unpredictable is the name of your game, and I did not want you to think you could get a closer look at that sweet baby. As more people entered this group, a manager came out to sit down to eat her food while talking with them. That is when you could not hold it in anymore…
You shouted, “Who let the dogs out?”
And without skipping a beat, the manager that just sat down said, “Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?” and encouraged you to sing your heart out, so, of course, you repeated it, and then even more people chimed in. Before I knew it, people from the kitchen had come out to sing with you, and everyone was having a grand ole time. As we stood waiting for our food, singing away, the manager came over to talk to you, introducing herself as Tonya and asking your name. With all the excitement of a whole restaurant knowing your jam, you could barely make out “Addie,” so I repeated it for you. She then looked at you and asked how old you were. At this point, you were so excited you couldn’t speak, but you high-fived her and interlocked your fingers to hers to hold her hand. While I may have responded, she always turned and talked to you. My heart almost exploded at this majestic scene of kindness unfolding in this McDonald’s restaurant.
Addie, I went from having a super junky call with people that couldn’t help you and had zero suggestions as to who could, to a whole restaurant of people engaging with you and making you feel seen and heard. If there was ever a moment I wish I had my camera handy…
Life is full of people; the good ones will always find you when you need them the most.
It has been seven years, and that experience was precisely the moment we needed.