Dear Addie,
And just like that, vacation had ended, and we headed full throttle back to reality. Sad for us all but incredibly upsetting for someone like you who dislikes a change in routine on many levels. Making our motto of expect the unexpected while traveling this journey all the more interesting as you strive to keep order, structure, and predictability in a rather compulsive manner in just about everything you do, especially in school, where the struggle to coexist socially is a daily challenge all on its own. Having predictability in the things you do, say, and eat - all of these things help keep some sanity in what you perceive are situations that are stressful to your being.
This week was tough.
We had meltdowns and some big feelings as we tried to return to our norm. Your communicative efforts rode shotgun as your feelings took the wheel. Everything seemed to be a struggle, but sadly I expected this.
You see, Addie, transitions for you have been complex for as long as I can remember. There's calm and comfort in predictability; sudden changes can cause an anxiety-induced response to what's to come. No fun at all, right?! As humans, this is actually an entirely natural reaction, and it happens to tons of people going into the work week from Sunday to Monday - the anticipation of waiting tasks can be daunting and leave you feeling exhausted & overstimulated before the week has begun. Have you ever heard a teacher describe the classroom energy on the first day back to school?! Chaos might be a good way to describe it. The difference for you (and most children, really) is that most people have adopted a coping routine to prepare themselves better for what might be ahead, so it doesn't feel like they are spiraling out of control. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't do something in preparation for the week on Sunday night to help alleviate some unpredictable stress in the days ahead. A matter of what that is is entirely up to that individual. There's no right or wrong way, as it's how best to help YOU relieve any anxiety about what's to come. Maybe you check your emails or meditate...all up to you.
Addie, you felt all the feelings this week as we traded in our salty sea air for a snap back to reality. I know you are still working on coping with these transitions, and it seems like it is super easy for everyone else around you, but change is hard for us all. I'm just happy you know that you can find peace with me no matter how big your feelings get or how big you physically get. I will always be your calm in whatever storm you are weathering, forever and always.

Deep breaths, baby girl; we got this - One Team, One Dream.