Dear Addie, This weekend you had a very special introduction. Only a month into this great big world, this new friend has already stolen the hearts of many, including yours (surprisingly) and even became an unexpected Detroit Lions lucky charm for daddy ;).
Allow me to explain.
Our dear friend and your longtime babysitter (who we lovingly refer to as our very own Mary Poppins) received a huge promotion to “mom” recently when she welcomed her very own sweet baby bundle of joy, Austin into the world.
With his much-anticipated arrival we wasted no time heading to the hospital to get some fresh, new baby snuggles and welcoming our friends into their new chapter of parenthood! Party of three please!
Now, with hospitals and doctors’ offices not being at the top of your favorite destinations list (I don’t really blame you), you stayed behind with our other amazing babysitter Kat, enjoying a little one on one play time.
He was perfection!
Now fast forward a month and with the new little family somewhat settled (well the best you can be with a newborn), we invited them to our house for dinner, more baby snuggles and finally let you meet sweet baby Austin.
I was beyond ecstatic (but also a little apprehensive) to see them - only because for whatever reason your emotions had been running high and behavior struggles of anger and irritability the past couple weeks were starting to unfortunately become our new norm.
With these struggles, your auditory sensitivities seemed to be working in overdrive and we have been on high alert for potential meltdowns for weeks now. Having said that, babies, toddlers and their sounds from happy to sad, are high on the list of causing great auditory distress for you.
Even when I voiced my potential concerns involving the situation and your current mood, they were still excited and did not waiver a single bit on their decision to come over. So, we took a deep breath and waited eagerly for the knock on the door.
The time had finally come, and honestly Ms. Caitlin was everything I’d wished I’d been when I first started having babies. She walked into our chaos cool as a cucumber, seemingly stress free and still positively glowing. Embracing us all and wasting no time immediately setting up a very excited Gabe with baby Austin snuggles on the couch.
I watched you all, my babies, joyfully hold him and then one by one retreat to snuggle in next to our beloved Ms. Caitlin on the couch.
When it was your turn, my eyes started to fill up at the whole scene.
You weren’t the baby anymore and looked now more than ever like one of the big kids. With mommy and daddy close by we set you up for your big introduction. Almost instantly your unpredictable, jerky motions and mannerism settled. A sense of calm had come over you. He looked at you and you him and without words it seemed as if a lifelong connection, special bond and friendship was speechlessly taking shape.
I cried. Ms. Caitlin cried. Even dad teared up. Baby Austin however didn’t because he’s kind of a perfect baby.
You, my baby were holding hers. A beautiful vision of the “A-Team,” Addie & Austin was right in front of us.
A friendship years from now flashed before me. In my heart, I could see him growing to know your mannerism, sounds and unique communication style. A lifelong friendship well on its way.
With an absolute perfect visit - including a Detroit Lions win that night resulting in daddy marking baby Austin as a good luck charm, coming to an end, we said our goodbyes and anxiously await the next time our party of 8 can get together!
So, this weekend you met a new friend. While I was a bit nervous at first, it all went amazingly well and I think you truly adored him! Just as we do his mama...and daddy too ;)