Dear Addie,
"All great achievements require time." ~Maya Angelou

I remember being at this same spot years earlier, you screaming, tears running down my face, mom guilt in overdrive for Clara and Gabe as this was what their vacation consisted of (complete chaos) and I was begging Dad to let me take you home, but now here we were calm and enjoying these moments together. It's am undescribalbe stillness we've long for in a life of constant movement.
There was no magic therapy, medicine, or genie in a bottle that made this happen it was just a lot of time spent trying over and over and over again. It was hard work as every single thing we do is a lesson in learning something somehow. There were a lot of tears, alligator wrestling on molten lava sand, and endless staring from strangers, but we didn't give up (even though honset to God truth I wanted to multiple times) and just like that, every year got a little bit better than the year before. This taste of calm and joy right in front of me was the recipe of persistance and maturity sprinkled with a whole lot of love and patience.
This journey is wild sometimes at how you can just forget how much time it took to get to a place of calm. Does this recipe take away all our challenges? Nope, but I'll take this delicious win.
I have a feeling this is going to be a great summer.

Love you baby girl!
*For the record therapy and medicine do work beautifully in other sectors of our life, the genie...I've yet to find.