August 12, 2016
Dear Addie
From a very young age we knew you were our "adventurous" child! You have been on the verge of giving your mom and dad a heart attack many times! At 10 months old (in complete stealth mode) you climbed out of your crib, down a flight of stairs, and into the living room where we were sitting. In shock of what had just occurred, we soon learned this was only the beginning of what you could do!
Future American Ninja Warrior?
The climbing was one thing. Your proprioceptive senses were awakened! Your body discovered how much it enjoyed (and needed) the way your joints felt with movement and pressure. You were on the move now! Eventually you would discover that you enjoyed being able to look at things from a completely different perspective...up high. Really high. Too high! And you had all the ability to climb your way to heights that would be frightening for us too see!
Standing on tables, the piano, counters, on the window ledges the list goes on and on... these were all almost harmless compared to the time you shimmied your way up and along the stair banister to wind up on the wrong side of the balcony, two stories up looking down onto our foyer. You basically laughed at the baby proofing banister guards & in the process scared the s&!t out of your parents. Thanks for the grey hair.
We surely don't condone your adventurous climbing (unless outside), but luckily for us you seem to have amazing vestibular senses (balance)! Thank goodness for that!
For you my dear, you live in a very visual world. When you are up high, surveying your surroundings, life is far more calming. You can organize what you are seeing and the bigger picture just makes more sense. Yup, I get it.
Sometimes I think you wish you were a bird. Do you think you could do me a favor and be more like an penguin though and stay on the ground!!??!??