Dear Addie,
This week I had 100% planned on writing something different, but then I was reminded how funny it was for me to try and plan something because, of course, life happens and it changes.
What changed you might ask?
Well, I found myself in what has become a familiar setting where I am legit wrestling a screaming, kicking, elbow throwing version of you (on the stairs mind you) all because I needed you to take a shower. A shower Addie. Yes, I was asking you to wash. To be clean. You however had other plans and were clearly, by your actions, insulted by my request. The nerve I had!
Addie, life throws twists and turns at us all the time, some are quite pleasant and some leave you thinking - seriously, but I'm just so tired.
For parents, a lot of those twists and turns come from the different stages our children go through from baby to adulthood. We get a front-row eat to all of it...the good, the bad, and the ugly.
In my parenting thus far I have come to realize that there are three types of prepubescent children: 1.) the child that excessively showers, 2.) the child that showers when told to, and 3.) the child that thinks showering is wildly unnecessary and too much of a chore, so I’ll do it as little as possible.
I think it’s safe to say you are entering this phase of life as a number 3.
But seems odd right? Anyone who knows you knows you love water - like really love it!
Swinging in the rain anyone? Showering or bathing isn’t the issue, the problem is that you can’t just play in there... you actually have to wash! That bar of soap isn’t just a delicacy Addie (no seriously stop eating the soap Addie!), Lord help us, it’s for washing! And if I’m being honest, we are not quite to self-washing just yet, which brings us to the next soon as someone tries to touch you in the water (any water pool, ocean, shower) you immediately start to fight! God bless anyone who has tried to give you swim lessons! I don’t like to fight with you, but your excessive love for sucking the juice out of a whole bag of oranges in one sitting and wearing pull up type diapers at your age leaves us no choice but to jump into the boxing ring together when shower time comes around.
Does this beg the question from most - how we do this? Well, I get in with you. That’s right Ad, I have to get in the shower with you to properly assist you. It is by far the most effective way to accomplish our end goal of being clean without making the entire bathroom a slip 'n slide with water splashing everywhere! Also, to ensure I can teach you what needs to be done. What soaps are used for what, and so on. Of course always in melodic instruction of “This is the way we wash our feet, wash our feet, wash our feet...” doesn’t everyone sing in the shower?
I’d be lying if after a couple of rounds of this charade a week I didn’t somedays wanna go back to our baby registry and look to see if we missed somewhere next to the baby bathtub (you know the little one that sits on the counter with the cute little safety straps) for the big kid tubby that sits on the floor with a 5 point harness seatbelt? Where’s that design?
It’s not easy. But mark it, we’re here.
At the end of every shower, you draw letters, words, and shapes on the foggy shower door. This my dear is when I remember just how far we’ve come. Your sweet little voice sounding out each word or identifying each shape before it’s drawn. There was a time Ad, not too long ago when we wondered if you would ever speak...and here you are trying to sound out the word “Butterfly” right before my eyes.
In this same breath, the marvel of it all turns to wonder if you’ll be drawing shapes and letters on the shower door when you’re 16? There’s just no way of knowing, so it’s let's wait and see.
When the water shuts off, it’s over. The battle has ended (for today) and you’re back to happily bouncing around like it never happened. I’m exhausted, maybe a little bruised, but feel accomplished in it all. You’re clean and happy - check!
Addie this journey is hard. I know there are far more challenges ahead and it often feels like once we’ve accomplished an epic climb of Mt. Everest, Kilimanjaro is just waiting in the shadows. But I promise you sweet girl, no matter how many mountains we climb, how many challenges we face, how many boxing rings we step into together, my love and devotion to you is greater than all of it combined.
I love you Addie.