Dear Addie,
When I say everything we do is some sort of learning opportunity I'm not even joking, but at a routine doctor visit this week you showed me in the most teenager-matter-of-fact way ever that maybe you were kind of over my shenanigans.
Allow me to explain.
Most parents can probably say that when their children were young they played the "this & that" game fairly frequently. A game in which we ask our children about objects to learn more about their current surroundings. "What's this?" pointing to a firetruck or "What's that?" to an animal at the zoo. All in good faith to increase knowledge of surroundings and conversation skills. Well in our little autism bubble, this game lasts quite a bit longer in child-rearing and is still in full effect...or at least I thought so.
This past week sitting in the doctor's office I saw an opportunity to play said game. You see the whole waiting room was painted as an underwater mural which included many sea creatures clearly anxiously awaiting such a moment to be called out in the "this & that" game ;) It all started innocently enough pointing at the dolphin and some random fish to which you answered correctly very quickly. Moving on to the octopus we started to take a turn as you were pretty adamant that it was a jellyfish and after much back and forth I decided not to push it and just let you have that one for now...It was close enough in my mind really.
Now sitting a good distance away I pointed at a wall that had a giant shark on it - which was what I was asking about when I said "What's that one Addie?"
You then proceeded to look at the wall, back at me, at the wall again, then back at me in the most annoyed voice ever said - "A door." Big sister Clara and I busted out laughing (as did the receptionist who happened to be in earshot of this whole interaction). Well, you weren't wrong and duly noted - you were over it.
This week I realized it might be time to back off the "this or that" game a bit.
Thanks for keeping us laughing smarty pants ;)
Love you bunches.