Dear Addie,
...And just like that, I found myself playing yet another game of "Guess That Tune With Addie." Sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating, always leaving us scratching our heads as to just where you picked up said tune.
let's set the scene.
On this particular night, it was just you and me. Daddy had to work late, and big brother Gabe was busy teaching aerial classes. I was preparing dinner while you were scrolling through my phone, listening to some of your favorite songs from the movies *Tangled* and *The Princess and the Frog*. Everything was calm, and everyone was happy.
Suddenly, you jumped up from the sofa and came into the kitchen, grabbing my arm and handing me the phone while mumbling the lyrics to a song you wanted me to play. For the life of me, I could only make out the last word—“tonight”—said in a drawn-out way that I swore I recognized. I asked you to repeat yourself no less than twenty times before you ran over to the Google Dot and said, “Hey Google… mmm… m… mmm… mmm… mmm… tonight!”
*Both videos are of Addie mumbling lyrics only to end on the word "Tonight."
Note: These videos were not taken the night of this event, these were taken later in the week.
Seriously, the whole first part was inaudible until the word “tonight,” and Google couldn’t figure it out either. Your frustration was building. I thought maybe the Shazam app on my phone could help, so we tried to see if it could identify the mumbled lyrics. All we got back was, “This is a hard one!” Okay, thanks for nothing, Shazam.
Very frustrated that we were having this communication breakdown you ran up to your room and I could hear you singing the lyrics again, but only with the added saddness of crying. Just then Gabe walked in the door and honestly after having been at this for close to an hour I don't even think I said "hello" I just quickly mumbled the lyrics to him and he said "Wait! I know that" and after a few mumbled versions to himself he said "I don't wanna lose your love, tonight."
Seriously Ad?!?! Where on earth were you jamming out to that?
I quickly searched up "Your Love" by Outfield and as soon as it started playing you came running, smiling and laughing. That was it and all was right in your world again.

This week we played another round of "Guess That (ever so random) Tune With Addie" and Gabe was the winner ;)
Never a dull moment Addie, Never a dull moment.