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Writer's pictureLeanne Menzo

Unspoken Connections

Blog Post Photo Credits: The Rusted Lens

Dear Addie,

I had a rough week last week, but you know what my love - life is like that. Often filled with ups and downs, and that is ok. Even though the feelings I talked about in my letter last week are real, and I have my own internal struggles - it is so important to realize that we are not alone in this journey.

We are so lucky to have been blessed with the most amazing people in our lives Addie! These people meet us, and instead of turning away by the fear of the unknown - they embrace it and you with open arms (sometimes quite literally - I mean everyone loves to hug you or at least give it a good solid try ;)

They had no idea that they would grow to learn about vestibular and proprioceptive senses, or read my letters to you each week. They've learned that pink starburst (pink squares) hold amazing power and will even keep a stash in their house or bring me a bag that their kids sorted from halloween candy. One special friend even gave a box filled with pink squares to Daddy at a work meeting to bring home to you! They love you Addie, and they love us. I guarantee you that none of them thought they'd be walking this journey along side us. But they are & it is awesome.

You will meet many people in your lifetime my love. Some good, some not so good, but I believe all were meant to cross our paths for a purpose.

This week I'd like to tell you about a very special few that we have met...they are kind of like a best friend we never knew existed. A little God wink if you will.

There was a day not to long ago when you and I were at the pediatrician's office - not any of the "special" doctors we go to, just the regular old pediatrician's office for yet another "Addie was playing with fire ants again" visit. I was standing at the check in counter, filling out paperwork, and you of course were jumping around, having a grand old time being rambunctious and stimming like crazy.

Meanwhile, another mommy/daughter combo walked in and stood patiently behind us. Of course, my heart rate immediately quickened and I began the internal struggle of whether I should try to tone you down a little, or just let you be - I mean, you really were having fun, and aside from us (and them) there was no one else there. You were being you & not harming anyone. Ok, ok - finish the paperwork quickly, and go sit down... here we go...

My little Mexican jumping bean Addie - you were on fire - and not from the ants, but like in a good way! So happy, and bouncing all over the place... oh well. Whatever, I mean there are 1,000 empty seats here in the waiting room. They can sit on the other side of the room and it will be fine, right? Of course. No worries.

And then - they come over and sit right across from us. ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?! WHY FOR GOODNESS SAKE WHYYYYYY!?!?!

The mom starts to talk to her little girl, and I'm discretely trying to hear what she's saying. Total incognito of course, but they are sitting right across from us, so... She is telling her daughter to say "Hi" and ask you what your name is.

The little girl looked curiously at, well, you in all your glory. I said to her "it's ok, she's loud, but very nice I promise."

Then I looked at you my dear and prompted you to say "I'm Addie." You in response quickly shouted "ADDIE!" Like really loud - but, really clearly too. I thought, WOW, that was good baby! Social interaction! Yay!

Then the other mom said - "Good Job!"

Wait, what? Did that just happen? Did she just say "Good Job?"

I knew right then she understood. She too held a special ticket for if not this journey, perhaps one similar. She would then go on to tell me about her son who had Autism.

We could've said nothing beyond this point because we instantly understood one another. The joys, the challenges, the unusual eating habits, the sleepless nights-weeks-or months!

We were instantly bonded. And I didn't even know her name.

I felt compelled to leave my number with the receptionist as we left to give to her, in the off chance that maybe she'd want to talk more. Sure enough that night I would finally learn her name.

But why did I feel this way?

It's an unspoken connection Addie.

The great Jim Henson once said, "there's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met"

I couldn't have said it better Jim!

These relationships have happened not only at the Dr's office, but also in our neighborhood, at Target, and even once on a train in Hawaii. Seriously... on a train in Hawaii! I'll have to tell you that story one of these days.

A surprise blessing that someone else "gets it", but not only gets it, but lives and breathes it...perhaps exactly when you didn't even realize you needed a connection like that the most.

I'm usually not one for surprises, but these surprises are fun and most definitely welcomed.

So my dear, whether it's the unexpected friendships that have joined us in our predictably unpredictable crazy lives, or the unspoken connection of a chance encounter...we were meant to cross paths for love or lesson.

We are beyond grateful for them all my sweet girl. Each and everyone of them.

I love you Addie.



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